Monday, October 19, 2009



1) .:: LacieCakes ::.
Hint: "TRICK OR TREAT" you say? Seek out the free for all candy bowl...

2) Beldimi Gestures
Hint : the ghosts have seen your candy

3) Mi's Tee's
Hint: What scary Halloween movie is on TV today?

4) !Drac
Hint : are you coming soon to check out our hunt?

5) Tots Rule
Hint: its right behind the only object on the floor to hide it behind.

6) KandiiWrapper
Hint : To find your treat follow the sweet scent of icecream and strawberry

7) KOodOles KiDz
Hint: lay down take a nap when you wake refreashed you will find your treat!

8) Second Look Art & Photo Studios
Hint: You should hurry to find the candy before the frog and lizard get it!

9) Cool 4 Kids
Hint : Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?

10) Happy ToTs
Hint: Look at all the great new stuff!

11) Inara's Fantasy Couture
Hint: TP to kid's section

12) !SMK in the SKY!
Hint: The King and I wait no burgers and I!

13) GiftHorse
Hint: what a great way to cook some yummy candy.

14) AlleyCat Designs
Hint: its as easy as looking on the ground.

15) Cutie Bootie Gestures
Hint : look wif da bunnies

16) Buttons & Bows (location one)
Hint: lets see who is online today.

17) ClingerZ!
Hint: whats that bear painting could it be a picture of the yummy candy?

18) Sweeter Than Candy Kids
Hint : I like to look at the flowers!

19) NekoTopia
Hint : kids playing hide and seek, Outside is where you might find this little one.

20) Rathwynn`s Arms & Armor
Hint : Candy for two seasons, whatever the reasons.

21) Taz Mania
Hint : A sekrit hiding place is where you'll find your prize.

22) FlufferNutterz
Hint : The Pumpkin Ate It! :D

23) LoveKnot Weddings
Hint: what pretty red roses she carries just don't let them fall on the ground.

24) ~LilyPads~
Hint : Go upstairs and have a seat, by a pumpkin find a treat

25) Coull Creation
Hint: when Alice's ears itch candy is a great cure.

26) Tree House Treasures
Hint : Trick or treat smell my feet and I will give you something good to eat!

27) Kokee's
Hint : It will be by the Love Bud Plant Ad.... (idk a cheesy hint to put lol)
maybe... 'Please grow my lil' love bud' haha

28) Rainbow Adoption Agency & Mall
Hint: "Where the birds sing and the butterflies fly"

29) Slumber Kidz Furniture
Hint: In the witches lair, you will find your prize, but be careful its not just pumpkins they like to boil :O

30) *Fairy Pearls* design
Hint: Do you like Unicorns?.....i do ;)

31) Taz Mania
Hint : Don't get tangled up here or you might come to a sticky end.

32) Cherrie's Designs for Kids
Hint : Wow look at that tail!

33) Flutterfly Sugarplum
Hint: look high!

34) At WIts End Gestures
Hint : All The Good Candy comes in Bulk

35) Amaya's Music Gestures
Hint : watch your step

36) Michigans Shack
Hint : click the hint board when you land at the store

37) Twiple Twouble
Hint: None Given

38) Meu!
Hint : "It´s time for pumpkins but only cats can run and hunt small objects to play with..."

39) Apple Blossom Kids
Hint: feeling lucky?

40) Bethany's Boutique
Hint: lets calls some friends.

41) Souzou Eien
Hint : How'd this bit of candy get up in that tree? Better get it before the Birdies do!

42) Cheeky Pea
Hint: is luck on your side to find the candy in time?

43) The Black Orchid Shop
Hint : Pokemon...Gotta Catch Them All!

44) Razz-A-Matazz Cakes & Invitations
Hint : "Can you stand on your head?"

45) Super Kids
Hint : Ask the headless Noobie.

46) Gothy Totz
Hint: have a seat and build a fire but dont let the candy melt.

47) Pooka Creations
Hint : I love carrots! Almost as much as I love punkins. There sure are a lot of punkins here...

48) LeoDesiGn
Hint : You will find the Object outside by the ghosts:-)

49) Follow The Rabbit
Hint: find the pumpkin that like tips :)

50) Secret Oktober
Hint: sit and have a look around.

51) A Lil' Sum'em
Hint: follow the trail and have a seat.

52) Sassafras
Hint: Happy Halloween!

53) Second Music Blog SL
Hint : Under one of chairs

54) JG Designs
Hint: None Given

55) Buttons & Bows
Hint: every girl needs skirts!

56) ROOM 312
Hint : Make sure to step next to me for give you a big big hug!
Hug me and at my back you will see my treasure ;)

57) DID Safe Haven
Hint: Yo ho, yo ho, a pirates life for me! But whats this? a stow away?

58) *~*Sunhsine Design Kids*~*
Hint : Candys are like FREEBIES

59) BeanTown Creations
Hint : Sleep tight, Don't let the bedbugs bite!

60) QT's Closet
Hint : Look high, look low look behind an AO.

Hint : Nice relaxing and lazy place to spend an afternooon or take a nap or fish

62) !Kidz Printz!
Hint: Working out at the gym is a great way to work off all that candy!

63) Raggedy Annie's Kids Stores
Hint : Once upon a midnight chilling. Suddenly there came a ripping whipping, at my chamber’s door.
“’Tis the third-floor,” I muttered, “flipping at my chamber’s door

64) Cluck A Lot
Hint: So many blocks to play with

65) Free to be 'we'
Hint: Maybe a book to read to your kids?

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